Frequently Asked Questions

  • There is no age requirement, but all visitors must be able to walk on their own. We have had young children come out cheering, and adults wet their pants and quit in the first room.

  • House of Anguish uses strobing lights, fog, scents, and loud noises throughout. If you have sensitivities to any of these, we do not encourage you to visit. You will encounter areas with uneven flooring and be expected to climb flights of stairs. Additionally, it is not recommended that pregnant individuals come through.

  • No. There are multiple flights of stairs throughout the attraction.

  • We stop selling tickets at 11pm. For those who purchase tickets online, you must be checked in by this time or you will be asked to come back another night. As long as you are in line with a wristband by this time, you will be able to go through.

  • Parking is available on Main Street, on 10th Street, or in the gravel lot over the train tracks and behind the property.

  • Yes. Tickets can be purchased on-site with cards or cash.

  • House of Anguish operates rain or shine. The line forms in a covered tent. Outdoor scenes may be cut if rain has accumulated in the walking path.

  • Yes. Actors may touch you lightly in specific areas like arms, shoulders, and ankles. They will not touch you inappropriately or in sensitive areas.

  • Yes. We have security guards onsite at all times to maintain the safety of you and our actors.

  • Yes. We do not tolerate touching other visitors, actors, or props, hate speech, vulgar language, alcohol, drugs, smoking on the grounds, or weapons of any kind. These behaviors can led to security escorting you off site with no refund.

  • Unless permitted beforehand, we do not allow recording devices of any sort inside the haunted house.

  • No. If you have purchased a ticket online, you can use it for any night of the season. These can be transferred to others in the event that you cannot use them yourself. To do so, please contact us directly using the phone number of email at the bottom of the page.

  • The house itself takes between 15-20 minutes to walk through. The wait to get in can range from 5 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how busy we are. For shorter wait times, come early in the season and early in the evening. Our busiest times are from 8-10pm.